Please ensure that when you purchase a paysafecard from any retail outlet that you are not going to be charged a small one off fee for doing so, for you should be able to buy those vouchers in cash without having to pay anything extra on top of the face value of the voucher you wish to buy. More information on how to use paysafecard can of course be found on the paysafecard website, so please do take a look at it as it will give you a complete overview of the services they offer and you will also find out about any associated fees and charges for using paysafecard to fund a poker site account too. It will be the long code number that is printed onto the front of the paysafecard voucher that you have printed that you will need to enter into the poker site banking interface and also the amount you had credited onto that voucher and when done your cash will then show up in your poker site account on the spot! 18+) Read Review Visit Site Deposit Options